It has been said that Sex and the City had five main characters-the four girls and New York City. Indeed that seemed to always be the case. While shows that ran during its original run on HBO, shows like Friends and Will and Grace, were set in New York the most you ever got as far as shots of the cities were a few seconds of buildings spliced into their real film location of
Los Angeles.
Sex and the City was different. They took the city and intertwined it into all of the story lines. They shopped in the real stores not in some recreated set, dined in restaurants that they would make popular overnight and had hoards of tourists on buses to drive by Carrie Bradshaw's apartment. If you are going to NYC and want to see the sights from the show there is an actual Sex and the City tour that you can take that will drive you to all of the hot spots. If you want a more economical tour or just want to relive your favorite moments from the show I have compiled a list of some of the places you may remember from Sex and the City:
Columbus Circle fountains located at the corner of Broadway and 59Th Street
Who can forget the scene below where Carrie in her beautiful white dress, rejects Aiden and they finally come to the realization that they want different things. The fountains at Columbus Circle provided a beautiful backdrop for a not so happy ending.
While we are on the not so happy ending talk let us next go to the NY Public Library at 42ND and 5Th:
This location was the scene for two very memorable Sex and the City moments. First of all do you remember when Miranda was armed with those life changing words "He is just not that into you"? She then wanted to spread her wisdom to others, despite the fact that they wanted no part of it. The stairs outside were the spot for Miranda's Dr. Phil moment.
Anyone who has seen the first movie also knows that this is the location of Carrie and Big's wedding meltdown. The staircase on the right is the very place that she received the news that Big wasn't showing up.
On a side note I highly recommend visiting the library if you have a chance. It is truly a breathtaking building and definitely worth spending some time exploring. If you love architecture you will enjoy it and the Sex and the City memories will make it even better.

The Plaza Hotel at 768 5Th Ave.
I promise we are going to get on to happier times shortly! The Plaza was also the setting for more than one Sex and the City moment. The first was when Carrie lost it when she had to read a poem for Miranda's friends wedding. She pretended that she lost it because she was happy for the couple, but in reality she was hurt because Mr. Big had received a phone call during her poem and she felt neglected.
The next time the Plaza Hotel was featured it was also during a scene with Mr. Big and Carrie, but this time it was an outdoor shoot. Carrie walks past the Plaza just in time to see Big and Natasha finishing up their engagement party. He sees her and walks over. She asks him why it wasn't her and we all know how that ends. She quotes The Way We Were and tells him "Your girl is lovely Hubble". With that she leaves him confused and turns and walks, hair blowing in the wind, out of his life...temporarily of course!
Tiffany & Co at 727 5Th Ave.
Wow all of these breakups! I promised to get this going on an up note! Tiffany & Co was the location where Charlotte pretty much proposed to herself....with a little help from Trey. Alrighty!
If you visit Tiffany & Co you are in the right vicinity of many of the shops featured on the show. 5Th Avenue is a plethora of amazing world class shopping and one that is getting much attention from Sex and the City 2 is Bergdorf Goodman at 754 5Th Ave.
Let me give mention to a few shops that are must see SATC hot spots off 5Th:
Prada-575 Broadway
Patricia Field-302 Bowery
Manolo Blahnik-70Th and Madison
Barney's-60Th and Madison
The Magnolia Bakery at 401 Bleeker St.
The cupcake place made famous by Carrie and Miranda is the Magnolia Bakery. Expect a line if you pop in here for a sweet treat.
While you are in the neighborhood:

Carrie Bradshaw's apartment at 66 Perry, between Bleeker and West 4Th Street
While this is not the real street address listed as Carrie's address on the show, this was the apartment where they shot the outside scenes for the show. If you visit please beware as I have heard the owner does not enjoy all of the Carrie fans who flock to her stoop! I don't know about you, but if I owned that apartment I would have a Sarah Jessica Parker cardboard cutout and offer photos on my steps for $10 a pop. Heck I would even offer a SATC wardrobe to go from tourist to stylish for your photo....for an extra fee of course! ;) What is with these people who do not want to be entrepreneurs! A bonus tip here-while you are in the area keep your eyes peeled for Ms. SJP herself. She literally lives seconds away from her character's apartment. Out of respect for her and her family I am not going to post her real address here, but you may just see her out and about!
Bryant Park 40Th to 42St's at 6Th Ave.
Like many of the other locations, Bryant Park has been featured several times on various episodes. During fashion week this location is turned into a tent city housing all of the top names in fashion. It was fashion week when Carrie, wearing her Dolce and Gabanna brilliant blue coat and jeweled underwear became fashion roadkill. It was also fashion week on the first movie when after the girls went to the show, Samantha was met with angry women upset that she was wearing fur.
Bryant Park, while much smaller than Central Park, is still a great place to visit. The NY Library featured above is adjoining it and it is very close to major tourist attractions such as Times Square. The classic carousel below is in the opening scene of Sex and the City the Movie as Charlotte and Harry have little Lily out for a day in the park.

There are so many locations in the city used for filming so let's quickly run through just a few more:
NY Stock Exchange 18 Broad St.
One of the few times we ever saw Carrie Bradshaw in a subway station was when she was desperately trying to get to the NY Stock Exchange in time to ring the opening bell.
Staten Island Ferry
She may have been drunk, but she was sober enough to have a vision! Charlotte shouted from the ferry "I'm getting married this year!" as Carrie tried to make sure she didn't fall off the ferry before she could make that a reality.
Times Square
As Smith's PR guru, Samantha was able to get him a very provocative billboard right smack in the middle of Times Square. He was more embarrassed than thrilled at first, but in the end it was the catalyst that put his career in the right direction.

This week instead of a trivia question I think we will do something different. Tell me about your favorite scene from
Sex and the City,(please keep it PG as there are little ones who stop by from time to time as well).
Once you leave a comment you will be entered to win the soundtrack from Sex and the City 2:

Win it before it is even released and it will be mailed to you on May 25Th!
Leave a comment now until midnight Sunday! Check back on Monday to see if you are the lucky winner. Best of luck to all!