Wednesday, September 30, 2009
If You Have Ever Aspired to...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Have You Seen This Etsy Shop?
Let's take a look at Bows By Jessica:
Fall has certainly arrived in an adorable fashion with the Fall Bow.

Bear Hat can be made in any size and in any color that you would prefer.

Reversable Bib has a different pattern on the other side. I am sort of partial to this print those as I think it completely compliments the Joy De Vivre background!
Craftsmanship is very important to Jessica. All ribbon ends on the bows are heat sealed so that the ends will not unravel. Her reversable bibs have a waterproof lining on the inside so that nothing will leak through to your little ones. All items area also made in a smoke and pet free home.
This week for our weekly prize we are doing something a little different. For this week, you get to decide what your prize is if you are the winner! Bows By Jessica is offering a $15 gift card to one of the Joy De Vivre readers.
Leave a comment about your favorite item and you will get one entry. Become a follower of Joy De Vivre and you will get another entry.
Don't forget to check back this Friday and see if you are the lucky winner!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Please Say It Isn't So!

According to the folks at showbizspy.com it is inevitable at this point...Miley Cyrus will be popping up on screen on the upcoming Sex and the City 2 Movie. I love Sex and the City. I love Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda. I do not, however, love Miley Cyrus. Not to be rude seeing as how she is still, despite the way she looks and acts, a child, but I can not bring myself to even stomach her.
Miley Cyrus acts like a very rude, ungrateful brat in my opinion. I do not have a Disney tween issue, it is a specific Miley Cyrus problem. Why could they not have cast former Disney tween star Hilary Duff, who is too cute and could use a big screen role right about now? Even that adorable little Selena Gomez would have been better than Miley, but I doubt her parents would have allowed her to be in a movie that obviously is not the best subject matter for a underage girl.
I guess Miley's addition to the Sex and the City 2 Movie will serve one purpose. If this movie is as long as the first one it will give me a perfect time to take a restroom break!
For any of the other SATC fans there is a great new website set up for all of the new movie info:
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I Love Shopping...

Friday, September 25, 2009
Snuggie For Dogs

Now the Snuggie has branched out to our four legged friends. This time, however, I am not going to make any snide remarks. I am not going to joke about the dachshund being a cult leader. For, I, someone who has a pup who will not go out in the rain without his raincoat on, have no room to talk!
Our Weekly Winner Is...
Congratulations Jennifer! This must be your lucky week! Just to brag on Jennifer for a moment-her blog was one of the Blogger Blog's of Note this week. So congratulations for that and for being our weekly winner!
Thank you to Sue and Elissa for offering your shop for our feature! We loved being introduced to your shop and to your website with all of those yummy cakes! Best of luck with everything that you are working on!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Have You Seen This Etsy Shop?

Witch's shoe candy favor box is a perfect Halloween gift or a great way to store that stash of candy that you are going to hide back from the trick or treaters!
Just post a comment and tell us what you love about Charonel Designs by going to their shop on Etsy: Charonel Designs
You will also get an extra entry by being a follower on this blog.
Winner is drawn Friday at noon!
For even more inspiration check out their website featuring pictures of their gorgeous cake creations: http://charoneldesigns.com/index.htm
Monday, September 21, 2009
My Newest Guilty Pleasure
I am loving this show for many reasons:
- Love her or hate her, and many people seemingly do both, you can not take away from her that she is a very hard worker. I also believe she has a slight case of undiagnosed ADHD which I can totally sympathize with.
- I love seeing beautiful clothes that I more than likely will never be able to afford. Yes, I will admit it freely in the comfort of my blog-I am a shopaholic!
- It is fun seeing the celebrities and wondering why the heck they can not pick out their own outfits to wear on day to day occasions. I can understand needing help with Oscar dresses, but when you need help picking out clothes to wear to walk from your home to the grocery store I have to chuckle.
- She is friends with the most awesome designers, including my personal favorite, Marc Jacobs, featured below.
If you haven't yet watched The Rachel Zoe Project I highly recommend it. It airs Monday nights on Bravo. For more info check out: http://www.bravotv.com/the-rachel-zoe-project
Weekend Recap
Saturday Gabe and I went to the Museum of Natural Science. They are having a great exhibit right now on the Terra Cotta Warriors from China. In my design history class we did a section on them and I found them amazing. I knew I could not miss seeing them in Houston. Below is a replica of one. They would not allow us to take photos of the real ones in the exhibit as to preserve them.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Our Weekly Winner Is...
Congratulations Adrienne! You have won the Bubbles Ring from FrankenClothes Design.
Thanks again Maggie for introducing us to FrakenClothes Design and thanks to all of you who let her know what a great shop she has!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
What is Going On in My World This Week and Other Silly Randomness

Then there was the fiasco at the House of Blues last week. Drunk people, bar room brawls and an irritable guitarist. That about sums up that night.
Last night the bad karma continued. I went to see Britney Spears with the hubs. Gabriel loves her, meaning he thinks she is so pretty, and I have always had a soft spot for her. The night started out good, until two drunken girls decided to park it next to us. Long story short, they first irritated Gabe by wedging in a one foot space in front of us at which point all we could see was their hair. Then one of them fell down twice, the second time falling into my shoulder, at which point the only thing that kept me upright was Gabe's shirt, which is very stretched out on the arm now! Once she got off the ground she decided it would be a great idea to start a fight with the girl in front of us. I marched my happy little butt along with the girl drunken chick was trying to fight, over to the security. We told them what was going on and they were promptly escorted away. I did not pay more money than I would care to think about, to be at that concert and be pancaked! Good riddance!
Britney had a good show. She sang two songs live, which is rare in case you have never been to see her before. I must say she sounded really good! I can't help but feel sorry for her when I see her, though. She may have millions and tons of fans, but it must be so sad to be in a bubble like it appears she is in. For some reason she still doesn't seem 100% yet health wise. I hope when her tour ends she can continue to heal from all of the issues she has had in the past few years. I can't help but think of Michael Jackson when I see Britney. Is it worth trading your childhood for fame and fortune? It doesn't really seem so, does it?
More randomness:
Two of my coworkers are suing each other. It is very different as usually coworkers that sit next to each other all day do not do such a thing, but we are a unique bunch!
How is it that on Myspace I could get an invite to join a church group and to try out for Hustler magazine in a matter of five minutes? I have no party pictures on there. Heck, I don't even "party"! Why would these folks think I am a hoochie who needs to find religion? Mental note, must rethink my look!
I have to go get my car serviced tomorrow and I am very frightened to go. It seems like every time I go lately for something I think is minor the total bill comes to at least $600. Fingers crossed it is much less tomorrow! How I wished that I lived somewhere that I could take public transportation or taxis!
I made a coupon book after seeing this lady at the grocery store with one. She had the most awesome coupon book made from a photo album and picture inserts. I copied her and now have mine in a similar contraption, but I feel like a fool taking my photo album coupon book into the store. Will I look like I had too much time on my hands or like a coupon freak, albeit with a very cute polka dot photo album? I think I shall just leave it in the car and grab out what I need ahead of time. In my defense though, I did save over $100 last month with coupons so they do pay off.
Well what have you guys been up to so far this week? Details, details! :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Have You Seen This Etsy Shop?
Allow me to show you around:
The Vintage Reconstructed Necklace is made form a vintage rosary.

A few more tidbits about FrankenClothes Design:
Custom items are available upon request.
Check out Maggie's blog at:
And what you may ask do we have for you all this week? Boy am I spoiling you or what! ;) This week Maggie has given the Bubbles Ring for our giveaway!

To enter leave a comment for FrankenClothes Design and tell Maggie what your favorite item from her shop is.
You will receive an extra entry by becoming a follower of this blog.
Entries will be accepted from now until Friday at noon. Come back after that time to see if you are the lucky winner!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
MTV VMA-Kanye West Being Himself, Unfortunately
Taylor Swift won an award and up against her were Pink, Kelly Clarkson, Beyonce, etc. Taylor Swift, who admittedly I am not a fan of her music, but she seems like a sweet and innocent girl, went up onstage to accept her moon man. Kanye West proceeds to jump onstage, take the microphone from Taylor Swift and announce to Radio City Music Hall that Beyonce should have won the award. Poor Taylor and Beyonce both looked to be in shock. Beyonce is a classy girl and I am sure she was just as mortified as Taylor to be called out like that.
Someone needs to teach Kanye West how to be respectful to others when out in public. He obviously didn't learn how to lose, or in this case for his favorites to lose, with grace. I just wish that Pink would have won and he would have tried to take the microphone from her. Now that is a chick that would have taught him how to sit down and be quiet really quick!
Great way, Kanye, to put a damper on a show that started out with an amazing tribute to Michael Jackson. Madonna did a beautiful speech that made her seem more human than I have ever seen her be. Janet Jackson showed such courage to perform so soon after such a great loss. If you missed the tribute live, I am sure it will be readily available online.
Update-Beyonce won the Video of the Year and once on the stage she recalled winning her first award with Destiny's Child at the age of 17. At that point, she said that Taylor Swift deserved to come out and give her speech. Taylor came back out to accept her award. That was an awesome gesture Beyonce. It makes me proud that you are our hometown girl!
Weekend Recap-Ann Taylor Glambassador Challenge
Check out our finds:
Krystal and Zobeida
*Adrienne I didn't forget you, but I don't think you wanted me to put your photo up that you called the "bobble head" look! ;)
Friday, September 11, 2009
Our Weekly Winner...
Thank you to Altered Beauty for offering such a lovely prize and I think I speak for all of the readers when I say we enjoyed being introduced to your shop!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Have You Seen This Etsy Shop?
At Altered Beauty the top priority is to provide you with a beautiful piece of wearable art. If you check out the sampling of jewelry below, I think you'll agree that goal has been reached!

- Leaving a comment on this post about one of the items on Altered Beauty's Etsy page will earn you one entry into the drawing.
- Be a follower of this blog and you will earn an extra entry.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Weekend Recap

I hope you all are doing just that and enjoying your day! I had a great day going out with my friends and their beautiful baby girl. After that Gabe and I went shopping for Halloween costumes. We are having a party this year and thought the sooner we started looking the better the selection will be. Though I haven't fully committed to one yet, I think the Medusa costume is the front runner.
The rest of my weekend unfortunately was not as enjoyable as today. My sinus infection is apparently back to stay thanks to the lovely air quality in Houston. That is enough to ruin a few days, but the loveliness continued.
Saturday, after smelling something electrical burning and my lights flickering in my office, the breaker went off for that room. After calling out an electrician who arrived at midnight, he realized that the fixture in my office was to blame. The wonderful people, I type while rolling my eyes, who put up our fixtures left the wires touching the screws in the ceiling. Apparently every time we were turning on the switch the wiring was slowly melting. Thank God our breaker went off! I was upset over the $400+ dollars it is costing me to fix this, but as I was watching the coverage of the fires in California it put my little problems into perspective. It could have been much worse!
Last night we went to the House of Blues. We had been looking forward to going to see The Cult, especially Billy Duffy who is one of my favorite guitar players. Unfortunately, like the start of my weekend, things didn't turn out quite like I had hoped. It started out with some girl who had about ten drinks too many giving me advice on life. For some reason I don't think that someone who more than likely will not even be able to get themselves home is the person I need to learn life lessons from. Then I got hit in the head from some really tall guy trying to get a guitar pick from the opening band. No one even knew who the heck they were! I would have been more than happy to hand him the guitar pick rather than get hit in the noggin!
Once The Cult started playing it went from bad to really bad! Billy Duffy's guitar wasn't sounding right. He spent the entire night throwing a fit about that. I completely understand the need to sound great, but if he wanted a reason to throw a fit, try standing around for two hours with a drunk chick accidentally spitting on you while slurring her words, squished between hundreds of people with no security in sight and getting hit in the head by some man! That my friend Billy, will give you reason to act a fool!
About thirty minutes before the show was set to end, yet another drunk chick pushed into Gabe. Following her was her drunk boyfriend. Gabe went to get the guy off of him and the guy started getting defensive. When he shoved into the man that was standing next to us, that man, apparently also disgusted with the crowd of the night started to go after him. Here we are in the very front up against the railing getting shoved, no security and the other fool onlookers would not move out of the way! That was Gabe and my last straw! While the other two guys started to go at it we decided that was our cue to get the heck out of that place! We shoved our way through the onlookers so forcefully I am surprised we didn't get into a fight! I don't' know why people will stand there and watch a drunken fight, yet don't understand the words "MOVE, I am getting squished"!
As we were leaving the House of Blues, vowing never to go back due to the fact that we felt very unsafe for lack of security, I had to ponder the question: Am I too old to go to these places or am I just to old to keep dealing with people's crap?
Anywho! I hope you all had a very safe and happy labor day!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Things Not to Do When Shopping With Children and the Crazy Slap Happy Man

First of all the slap happy man, pictured above, does look...let's just say not nice. It is never, in my opinion, going to quiet a child down by trying to knock them out so I think he was very out of line.
While it is not appropriate to slap a child who is misbehaving, I must admit there have been times in my life that I have wanted to slap the parents.
Years ago, when I was a teenager, let me change that..a couple of years ago when I was a teenager, I worked in a department store. This experience really helped me see what NOT to do if I ever had a child.
- Do NOT send your child to the toy department by themselves and use said department as some sort of daycare center while you shop peacefully. If you do not want to shop with your child, find a real babysitter. Nobody making minimum wage wants to tape up toy boxes, find all the little parts, make sure your child isn't choking on a Lego, etc.
- If you are taking a toddler shopping put them in the basket so you can keep up with them. If that doesn't work, hold their hand. If that still isn't doing the trick, and I only recommend these as a last resort, get one of those leash things. Please, though, if going this route get one of those cute backpack ones. Let the kid have some dignity! You don't want him to be the laughing stock of nursery school.
- Don't be the parent who ends up finding out over the intercom that they have found your child and you didn't even know your child was missing!
- If your child needs to go to the restroom please take them there! It is bad enough having to shovel doggie poo when I take Barkley to the park, but retail employees should not be shoveling your children's! Trust me this happened at my old store, twice! In the middle of the aisle!
- If your child is having a hissy fit don't continue shopping for another hour. Maybe they are tired, or hungry, or need to go poo, whatever! Take them home! Just because they can't drive they should not be held hostage in Walmart!
Although I no longer work in retail, I am sure some employee out there will be MORE than happy if everyone takes this advice.
Our Weekly Winner Is...
Congratulaions Carol Anne! You have won an item of your choice from EUC Designs,(up to $18 in value).
Thanks to everyone who entered! As usual there will be a new shop and contest Tuesday!
Thank you Ilissa for being a part of my blog and offering a great prize to the readers of
Joy De Vivre.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Congratulations Are In Order!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Have You Seen This Etsy Shop?
Here are just a few samples from EUC Designs on Etsy:

Summer Butterfly-Premade Business/Mommy Card Design

Red Berries on a Branch-Premade Business/Mommy Card Design
The items sold on EUC Designs are digital so your order will be sent to you via email as a .jpg file. Different formats are available upon request. Your order will be processed and sent to you within 24 hours of confirmed payment.
Ilissa at EUC Designs is offering a great prize this week! Just give her shop a comment on this post and you will be entered to win any item of your choice from her Etsy shop,(up to $18 value). Also if you are a follower on Joy De Vivre you will get an extra entry.
This week also we are offering a few more ways to get entries:
1) Go to EUC Designs and tell Ilissa what your favorite item is.
2) Heart EUC Designs
3) Heart one of the items on EUC Designs page
4) Give one suggestion for an item you would like to see on Ilissa's site or a possible change for her shop.
(For the extra entries, please leave your etsy username on this post so that the hearts and wonderful things you have to say can be properly traced to add up your entries.)
Don't forget to check back on Friday and see if you are the lucky winner this week!