
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Have You Seen This Etsy Shop?

Today is the first of a new weekly feature on Joy De Vivre. With so many great shops on Etsy, it is often hard to see them all. Being someone with a shop of my own I realize how important it is to get your info out there. I am here to do my patriotic duty of giving you all places to spend your money to get the economy turned around!

Now for the first ever edition of "Have You Seen This Etsy Shop?":

Nigatsu Bebe is a jewellery and accessories shop. Lena, Nigatsu Bebe's owner, named her shop after her cat Bebe. I must say she is doing her feline friend proud by giving a third of all of the profits from her shop to no-kill shelters.

Here are some of the great finds from Nigatsu Bebe:

Autumn Leaves Earrings

Breathe the Life of Summer's Death

Custom orders are also available by contacting Lena.

A great shop and a great cause, what else could you ask for? A great giveaway of course!
For the next three days make a quick comment about Nigatsu Bebe and you will be entered to win this adorable soft yarn pony flower ponytail elastic. Lena will custom make it in your choice of colors. Sign up as a follower on Joy De Vivre and your name will be entered twice!

Make sure to come back on Friday to see who our first winner will be!


Dorkys Ramos said...

Ooh very cute indeed! And you're right, Etsy has so much great stuff it's overwhelming! I just signed up myself a few weeks ago to buy my calling cards, but I haven't had the chance to really browse to see what else is out there.

Thanks for the new feature!

velvetwoods said...

lovely autumn leaves earrings.

nina kuriloff said...

i like Nigatsu Bebe's earrings!
they are lovely!

LivingOffOfEtsy said...

I am just in LOVE with that little button hair tie!

Anonymous said...

I love the Breathe the Life of Summer's Death wrap bracelet or necklace! And I love that some of the proceeds go to animals!


Yvette said...

I love the Breathe the life of summer's bracelet-it's beautiful! There are so many amazing etsy shops out there!!
Yvette from Bugabookids

D.B. Celebrations said...

What a great post. Hurray for you for supporting etsians!

Noble Beeyotch said...

Gothic skull mala rosary chaplet from her shop is wonderful!!!

I love her shop name too!

I am following you!

Aik said...

I love the The Star glass bracelet - Jewellery for a Cause from her shop!

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

I'm a follower too. I'm having my first giveaway on my blog. Please visit here:


Chris Stone said...

The ponytail elastic is very cute. I like the idea of turning the economy around on etsy!

Joy De Vivre Design said...

Thanks Dorkys! The calling cards you go were very cute. There is so much to look through it can take hours! Hopefully this feature will help us all discover shops we may not have otherwise!

velvetwoods and nina-aren't they so cute! I love them as well!

LaPetite-you are in the running for that hair tie so just check back on Friday afternoon and I will announce the winner!

BellsandUnicorns-I love that the proceeds go to animals as well.

Yvette-there are so many great things in Nigatsu Bebe's shop!

Designer Favors-I am a big Etsy fan so if I can help in a small way I am happy!

Noble Beeyotch-thanks for the add!

Aik-I will check out your blog tonight. Thanks for the link!

Chris Stone-Helping out others by shopping! That is a win win if you ask me! ;)

Anonymous said...

ooh i like those autumn leaves
something so beautiful about capturing nature!

Andrea said...

What a nice idea! Very pretty earrings.

Desi Style Stalker said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

The earrings are so lovely!

Unknown said...

I LOVE those leaves earrings! Thanks for introducing me to a new shop :) So many fabulous artists out there!

Golden's Gifts said...

what a great person she is for giving to charity :)